Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday Sniffles

The weather has definitely changed. The warm rays of summer's sun has given away to cooler nights and cascades of rain drops. Along with it, comes Jonathan's first cold of the season! My poor little darlin has a runny nose and is cranky. He has got me scrambling to find a little bit of relief for him. To top that off, I've got his cold too! I have a scratchy throat (I wonder if he does too)? but not the runny nose. The both of us need some relief!

I called my dear sister to see if there was anything she could recommend for my sick Johnny Cake! She suggested to try a homeopathic children's cold drop or melt. I found a reasonably priced remedy at the Whole Foods of Tanasbourne for $7.99 for a 1 oz bottle. Fred Meyer had a variety of remedies but they were pricier, $14.99 to $25. I just can't afford that kind of dough! I hope this stuff works!

I'm looking to learn about any other cold remedies out there that other mommies have tried. What has worked for you? Please leave me a comment. I was thinking some homemade chicken noodle soup and a humidifier?!